no post!
I know all three of my readers missed me!
Life has been SO busy lately!
Kayne had band camp for two weeks, which made me feel a little bit like a single mom. No fun!
Then Addie and I started school! She seems to like her school but, of course, I miss her like crazy all day long! I was so blessed to be able to spend 3 1/2 months with my little girl! Our timing was perfect! I got to spend 6 weeks of maternity leave AND the entire summer with her! I loved every minute of it!
Addie is getting so big and she is getting more and more fun every day! She will be 4 months old tomorrow!
Here is what my big girl is up to these days:
- Making lots of noise!
- Playing in her exersaucer
- Reaching for things
- Smiling all the time and giggling!
- Sleeping in her swing
- Sleeping from 8:30 at night until about 5:00 in the morning
- Eating cereal sometimes. She seems to like it!
- Loves to be read to!
- Holding her ears (especially when she gets tired)
- Screaming into her blanket/toys/mom/dad
- Rolling over one way
- Holding her head up like a champ!
- Keeping her hands in her mouth all the time!
- Holding her pacifier in her mouth all by herself FINALLY!
Here are some pictures for your viewing pleasure!
Playing in her exersaucer!
Yes, my daughter watches TV like this! Call the parent police!!
Her first day of school!