Long time no blog!
I'd like to say that I've been super busy and that is the reason I haven't blogged. That's not completely true. Yes, motherhood has kept be busier than I thought I would be, but Adeline takes a few naps a day, leaving me time to eat, shower, and support my facebook addiction. My day revolves around her schedule and I am just fine with that! However, I can go several days in a row without leaving the house! And I'm fine with that too! I've never before considered myself to be a homebody, until now! It might have something to do with the fact that it takes a lot of work to leave the house with an infant! No more running out to the store for a quick errand. This is actually working out well for us. I have a bad habit of feeling the need to buy something when I go out. We have been saving money since I have been staying home more!
Now, on to more important things! Addie!
Addie took her first trip on a plane! We all went to Virginia to see my brother, Graham, get married! It was a beautiful wedding! We are so happy to have Alison in our family!
Adeline was such an angel at all the important events! She slept through each plane ride, the rehearsal, part of the rehearsal dinner, the wedding, and the long car ride to and from the airport! I was so proud of her! Take a look at the cute dress she wore to the wedding!!
She did throw a few fits during the trip, but that's to be expected! She is used to her little routine here at home! She does very well when she sticks to her schedule. We also learned on this trip that our little girl does NOT like being hot!
Another big event during the trip was Adeline meeting her Great Grandmother! My Grandmama is so important to me! I couldn't wait for Adeline to meet her. We are calling her GG Faye! How sweet! Adeline was so excited to meet her! We got to spend some good quality time together and my grandmother, along with my mother and sister, were such a big help in taking care of Addie!
Father's Day is tomorrow. This will be Kayne's first real Father's Day. Rosie, our furry child, has always picked out a card for Kayne, but this year is extra special now that Addie is here! My husband asked for sunglasses for Father's Day. We were at the mall in Virginia and he picked up a pair. That made Father's Day shopping very easy! I made a little movie for Kayne using pictures of Addie and Kayne together. It is so sweet and it makes me cry. If I can figure out how to upload it on here I will. You will cry too!
Such a Daddy's girl!
I'd also like to say how special my dad is to me! He is the best dad anyone could ask for! I know I am a lucky girl! My dad is so helpful, he can fix anything, and he is so generous! He is a wonderful daddy and Grandaddy! Happy Father's Day, Daddy!!
Addie loves her Grandaddy! Look at those smiles!
Adeline is 2 months old now!
- She LOVES her swing. She falls asleep in it a few times each day! She actually gets into a pretty deep sleep in her swing.
- She weighed 11lbs 14oz on 6-17-09! What a healthy girl!
- She is eating well and breast feeding has become MUCH easier! Praise the Lord!!
- She loves her hanging out with her Daddy! She likes for him to carry her around the house so she can look at everything!
- She does not like being hot! She had to be fanned on the train in DC! She is such a princess!
- She is holding her head up very well! She loves sitting in her Bumbo!
- She does not like tummy time!
- She is SO squirmy! Her arms and legs are constantly moving! She kicks kicks kicks all day long!
- She is starting to smile a lot! She has the best smile I have ever seen!!
- She is cooing and squeaking!
- I love her sooooo much! I can't imagine life without her and I can't remember life before her!!
Addie in her Bumbo! She is getting so big!
My sweet smiley girl!