Thursday, August 27, 2009

Home sick...

Addie woke up this morning with a goopy eye. She couldn't even open it!  We were afraid it was pink eye because she was running a low grade fever. Poor little thing!  So I called Susan, our sub caller at school, and she got a sub for me so I could take Addie to the doctor. Turns out she just has an infection in her tear duct. We were given a prescription for eye drops and sent on our way.  Now, since Addie wasn't contagious I could have taken her to school and returned to work...but Addie told me she needed me today, so I guess I just have to stay home with her! Can you tell I'm really upset about missing work! haha

She is napping right now. So of course I should be folding the MOUNDS of laundry in the laundry room, cleaning this house that is TRASHED after almost a week at work, or preparing dinner in the crock pot for my loving husband who won't be home until 7:30 tonight because of band practice, but I'm not. Of course I'm posting to my blog. It makes total sense to me!

So here is something fun! I am afraid I am quickly becoming known as the teacher that cries. Um, yea, that is not a fun description to earn.  I am aware that I am a sensitive being, but I try not to cry in the workplace. I can count on one hand the times I have cried in front of people at work and 3 of those times were during my pregnancy. Cut the pregnant lady a little slack! 
Whatever, crying a few times in 5 years isn't that big of a deal to me. I know people who cry a lot more! 
Well this has been one heck of a week! I was frustrated, tired, and overwhelmed and I cried just a little bit in front of my team and my principal. Well now I feel like others are tippy toeing around because they don't want to make the crazy postpartum lady crack!
I don't want to be known as the teacher who cries. I'd rather be known as the teacher who laughs too loudly, or maybe the teacher who walks quickly. Maybe someone else will get pregnant at work and take the crying teacher title away from me.

I will now leave you with some pictures of the cutest little girl in the whole world....

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