Sunday, December 13, 2009

And Finally...

I saved the best for last...
Get ready for some cuteness!! This little girl might be a baby genius! Watch until the end of the video when I start singing. She is so stinkin' cute AND smart. And don't worry, I will be auditioning for American Idol!

Busy Bee

Adeline has started pulling up AND army crawling in the same week! She has been a busy, busy girl! Of course, we captured these moments on video! Enjoy!

Addie Sees Herself in the Camera

The other day I was taking some video of Addie pulling up in her crib with the video camera. The viewing screen can turn around in different directions and I pointed the screen at Addie so she could see herself. She loved it! She loves looking in the mirror too! According to my baby book, babies at this age love to see their reflection, but haven't quite made the connection that they are looking at themselves. Well, whoever she thought she was looking at, she sure did like it!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

First Snow

We got up at our usual time, 6:00am, and ate breakfast. I turned on the TV and saw the traffic girl on the news warning drivers about the snow. I quickly bundled up my little snow bunny and we headed outside. We took a few pictures and some video and we were back inside before 7am! Enjoy!

Her First Snow!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Home sick...

Addie woke up this morning with a goopy eye. She couldn't even open it!  We were afraid it was pink eye because she was running a low grade fever. Poor little thing!  So I called Susan, our sub caller at school, and she got a sub for me so I could take Addie to the doctor. Turns out she just has an infection in her tear duct. We were given a prescription for eye drops and sent on our way.  Now, since Addie wasn't contagious I could have taken her to school and returned to work...but Addie told me she needed me today, so I guess I just have to stay home with her! Can you tell I'm really upset about missing work! haha

She is napping right now. So of course I should be folding the MOUNDS of laundry in the laundry room, cleaning this house that is TRASHED after almost a week at work, or preparing dinner in the crock pot for my loving husband who won't be home until 7:30 tonight because of band practice, but I'm not. Of course I'm posting to my blog. It makes total sense to me!

So here is something fun! I am afraid I am quickly becoming known as the teacher that cries. Um, yea, that is not a fun description to earn.  I am aware that I am a sensitive being, but I try not to cry in the workplace. I can count on one hand the times I have cried in front of people at work and 3 of those times were during my pregnancy. Cut the pregnant lady a little slack! 
Whatever, crying a few times in 5 years isn't that big of a deal to me. I know people who cry a lot more! 
Well this has been one heck of a week! I was frustrated, tired, and overwhelmed and I cried just a little bit in front of my team and my principal. Well now I feel like others are tippy toeing around because they don't want to make the crazy postpartum lady crack!
I don't want to be known as the teacher who cries. I'd rather be known as the teacher who laughs too loudly, or maybe the teacher who walks quickly. Maybe someone else will get pregnant at work and take the crying teacher title away from me.

I will now leave you with some pictures of the cutest little girl in the whole world....

Monday, August 17, 2009

Long time

no post!

I know all three of my readers missed me!
Life has been SO busy lately! 
Kayne had band camp for two weeks, which made me feel a little bit like a single mom. No fun!
Then Addie and I started school! She seems to like her school but, of course, I miss her like crazy all day long! I was so blessed to be able to spend 3 1/2 months with my little girl! Our timing was perfect! I got to spend 6 weeks of maternity leave AND the entire summer with her! I loved every minute of it!

Addie is getting so big and she is getting more and more fun every day! She will be 4 months old tomorrow!
Here is what my big girl is up to these days:
 - Making lots of noise!
- Playing in her exersaucer
- Reaching for things
- Smiling all the time and giggling!
- Sleeping in her swing
- Sleeping from 8:30 at night until about 5:00 in the morning
- Eating cereal sometimes. She seems to like it!
- Loves to be read to!
- Holding her ears (especially when she gets tired)
- Screaming into her blanket/toys/mom/dad 
- Rolling over one way
- Holding her head up like a champ!
- Keeping her hands in her mouth all the time!
- Holding her pacifier in her mouth all by herself FINALLY!

Here are some pictures for your viewing pleasure!

Playing in her exersaucer!

Yes, my daughter watches TV like this!  Call the parent police!!

Her first day of school!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day!

Kayne is the best father in the whole world! He is our hero!
Happy First Father's Day!!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Father's Day

Long time no blog!
I'd like to say that I've been super busy and that is the reason I haven't blogged.  That's not completely true.  Yes, motherhood has kept be busier than I thought I would be, but Adeline takes a few naps a day, leaving me time to eat, shower, and support my facebook addiction.  My day revolves around her schedule and I am just fine with that! However, I can go several days in a row without leaving the house! And I'm fine with that too! I've never before considered myself to be a homebody, until now! It might have something to do with the fact that it takes a lot of work to leave the house with an infant! No more running out to the store for a quick errand.  This is actually working out well for us.  I have a bad habit of feeling the need to buy something when I go out.  We have been saving money since I have been staying home more!
Now, on to more important things! Addie!
Addie took her first trip on a plane! We all went to Virginia to see my brother, Graham, get married! It was a beautiful wedding! We are so happy to have Alison in our family!

Adeline was such an angel at all the important events! She slept through each plane ride, the rehearsal, part of the rehearsal dinner, the wedding, and the long car ride to and from the airport! I was so proud of her! Take a look at the cute dress she wore to the wedding!!

She did throw a few fits during the trip, but that's to be expected! She is used to her little routine here at home! She does very well when she sticks to her schedule.  We also learned on this trip that our little girl does NOT like being hot!  
Another big event during the trip was Adeline meeting her Great Grandmother!  My Grandmama is so important to me! I couldn't wait for Adeline to meet her.  We are calling her GG Faye! How sweet! Adeline was so excited to meet her!  We got to spend some good quality time together and my grandmother, along with my mother and sister, were such a big help in taking care of Addie!

Father's Day is tomorrow.  This will be Kayne's first real Father's Day.  Rosie, our furry child, has always picked out a card for Kayne, but this year is extra special now that Addie is here! My husband asked for sunglasses for Father's Day.  We were at the mall in Virginia and he picked up a pair.  That made Father's Day shopping very easy!  I made a little movie for Kayne using pictures of Addie and Kayne together. It is so sweet and it makes me cry.  If I can figure out how to upload it on here I will.  You will cry too!

Such a Daddy's girl!
I'd also like to say how special my dad is to me!  He is the best dad anyone could ask for! I know I am a lucky girl!  My dad is so helpful, he can fix anything, and he is so generous!  He is a wonderful daddy and Grandaddy!  Happy Father's Day, Daddy!!

Addie loves her Grandaddy! Look at those smiles!

Adeline is 2 months old now! 
  • She LOVES her swing.  She falls asleep in it a few times each day! She actually gets into a pretty deep sleep in her swing.
  • She weighed 11lbs 14oz on 6-17-09! What a healthy girl!
  • She is eating well and breast feeding has become MUCH easier! Praise the Lord!!
  • She loves her hanging out with her Daddy! She likes for him to carry her around the house so she can look at everything!
  • She does not like being hot! She had to be fanned on the train in DC! She is such a princess!
  • She is holding her head up very well! She loves sitting in her Bumbo! 
  • She does not like tummy time! 
  • She is SO squirmy! Her arms and legs are constantly moving! She kicks kicks kicks all day long!
  • She is starting to smile a lot! She has the best smile I have ever seen!!
  • She is cooing and squeaking!
  • I love her sooooo much! I can't imagine life without her and I can't remember life before her!!

Addie in her Bumbo! She is getting so big!

My sweet smiley girl!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Adeline is One Month Old!!

My little girl is getting so big! She weighs in at 9lbs and 8oz!! She loves to eat, likes sleeping but hates getting to sleep (she doesn't want to miss anything), and likes to stay up late and sleep in.  She is very vocal and will tell us EXACTLY what she wants! The only problem is, we sometimes have a hard time figuring out what she's telling us.  She snores a little when she sleeps and hates to have her hands restrained in a swaddle.  She likes to hold my hand when she eats and she always puts her hand on my chest when she sleeps! Oh my goodness, she is my favorite baby! She enjoys her swing and sometimes has fun sitting in her vibrating chair.  She likes to be sung to and read to.  Her favorite song right now is "Boom Boom Pow" by the Black Eyed Peas.  Adeline doesn't care for Fergi too much, but she seems to like the other group members.  She's also a fan of James Taylor, The Beatles, and Led Zeppelin.  Of course, our little girl has a wide variety of music tastes (just like her mom)!
Here are some pictures of our sweet Adeline on her one month birthday:

Adeline has asked me to tell everyone that she is a little bit famous! Go to and scroll down a little bit.  Her photo is on the blog of our awesome photographer Angie Gambill! Addie's pictures are beautiful! They were taken when she was just 7 days old! What a sweet girl!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day!
I know so many wonderful mothers! Too many to name.  But my favorite mother is, of course, my own! My mother is smart, funny, talented, kind, loving, and strong!  She has shown me by example how to be a good mother.  She has great advice and is a wonderful listener!  

In honor of Mother's Day, here is a picture of my sweet mother with her first grandchild, Adeline.  My mother stayed with us for a week and was so so so so helpful! It was wonderful having her here! I haven't eaten that well in a LONG time!  And I especially loved the time she got to spend with Addie!  I have/had a wonderful relationship with my grandmothers and I want the same thing for my sweet Adeline! She is lucky to have a such a wonderful Grandmama!

Happy Mother's Day, Mama!

Mama holding Addie for the first time!

Mama and Addie having a very serious talk!

Love, love, love!!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

The many faces of Adeline

My little girl might be the most entertaining little baby in the world.  I could stare at her all day long! And she makes the funniest faces! Here are a few from a recent nap:

Sleepy Addie
Smiling Addie! My favorite!!
Peeking Addie
No name for this one!
Worried Addie

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Adeline Faye Gilliland

Adeline Faye Gilliland is here!!
April 18, 2009
7lbs 14oz
20.5 inches

Last shot of Addie in my tummy!

Daddy dressed and ready for the OR!

My first look at my sweet baby!

Sweet Adeline getting her first check-up

Proud daddy putting baby in the car!

The cutest little baby in the whole wide world!
We love her so much!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Poke her face

My new favorite song is "Poker Face" by lady Gaga! I'm not even kidding! I really love it! When I get a new favorite song, I listen to it over and over and over and over again until I get sick of it.  The last song I did this with is "Single Ladies" by Beyonce! But Poker face really is awesome! It makes me want to dance, which is not possible at this time.

AAANNNNDDDD....Adeline will be here tomorrow! I'm so excited I can't even stand it!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Showered with love!

I had the best day today! 
My sweet friend Becca threw me a baby shower!
I was surrounded by people I love!
My mother and father came in from Memphis!
I wore a purple dress!
Sweet Adeline got a lot of very nice things!
There was a lot of gooood food and a BEAUTIFUL (and tasty) cake!
I can't wait for Adeline to make her grand debut and meet so many wonderful people who mean so much to Kayne and me!
Love love love!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Andre the Giant vs The Hulk

Yes, that is what I'm watching on TV as I post this blog. My sweet husband is playing a new video game.   He might need to go to rehab for this addiction. I kid, I kid! Yes, he loves to play but I would not say he is addicted! I do like to test him every now and then just to make sure he's not. I pretend I'm having some sort of emergency or emotional break down and I wait and see how quickly he responds.  
He did a pretty good job when I tested his addiction this morning.  I got out of the shower, got dressed, and went into the kitchen to fix myself some breakfast.  He was playing some sort of World War II shoot 'em up game. I made myself a bowl of Golden Graham's and sulked into the living room. I announced that I was going into the bedroom to eat and watch TV alone since I don't care to eat while watching soldiers being shot.  Kayne promptly turned the game off and let me watch "Legally Blonde Two".  How sweet, right!? I think that proves he's not addicted!  However, after a few short minutes of Elle Woods, Kayne changed the channel to "The Dukes of Hazzard". 
Jessica Simpson and Willie Nelson should stick to singing!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Not nesting

I wish I had the urge to nest like a lot of soon-to-be mothers.  From everything I've read, nesting is an urge to clean, organize, and prepare for the arrival of your new precious little one. Well, I'm not into any of this. Don't get me wrong, I am very excited to have Adeline here! I just don't feel the urge to clean and organize. I want her nursery set up and ready for her, but the thought of moving furniture from this room to that room to goodwill to my father-in-law's house makes me tired.  If nesting involved eating and sleeping, then I would be in full blown nesting mode! 
Kayne and I spent the entire weekend cleaning the house and cleaning out what will become the baby's room.  This was my misery! Kayne did most of the work. I hobbled around the house and allowed myself to get easily distracted by boxes of pictures, old birthday cards, or the new rash that is all over my arms and legs.  
Now, about this rash. It is probably caused by some sort of cream or lotion, but I think it might be scabies...AGAIN!  I almost had scabies once before. Thank goodness it turned out to be Dove soap causing the small bumps. But this time it might really be scabies! I tricked Kayne into helping me vacuum the mattress just in case.  If it's not scabies then it could be bed bugs! If we have bed bugs I bet they're from our hotel in Chicago.  It looked like a clean hotel but even clean hotels can be deceiving.  I bet some eggs hopped into our suitcases and they just now hatched. And they're not biting Kayne because I bet bed bugs are like mosquitos.  Some people attract them, others don't.
If hypersensitive hypochondria is a symptom of pregnancy, well by golly, I've got it!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

So little to do and so much time

February is a pretty busy month for me.
I will now make a list of things that I must do:
1. Attend parenting/birth classes weekly. Last week we practiced a certain exercise to make the birth process a little easier. Kayne now hounds my daily to see if I've done 50 of these babies per day.  He even asked me about it last night at a Predators game!
2. Continue to do homebound instruction for a young lad who doesn't feel like going to school. But seriously, who does?
3. Finish this #$%@#% yearbook! I will never ever ever do this again. Why do I volunteer for this stuff?!
4. Host Bunko. Yes, I know that makes me an old lady but I don't care! It's fun!

Ok, now that it's all written out it doesn't sound like such a big deal!

On a side note, I love my husband. I really do. But, he is a TV hog.  He's all about demanding that we watch shows that we both like when I have control of the remote. However, when he has the remote this is not the case. If I turn my eyes away from the TV for a millisecond he changes the channel to something gross like Basketball or even worse....POKER! Why oh why doesn't he like HGTV and TLC as much as I do?

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Let's try this again

Once upon a time I started a blog for our growing little family. It was shortly after I found out I was pregnant. I had big plans for that blog.  I was going to document our pregnancy and leave a written record of this special time in our lives. Well, I posted one blog about my craving for milk, didn't tell anyone we had a blog (not even Kayne), and quickly forgot I had even created a blog.  So, I deleted it. 

Now my dear friend Becca has started a blog, and I'm having blog envy. I'm going to try this again and this time I'm really going to blog! I mean, I love reading other people's blogs! I'll even sit down and read a blog from someone I don't know, hoping I come across something juicy! 

I just hope I have better success at this blog thingy that I did with the 602 journals I have started in my lifetime. Of course I started a pregnancy journal too. I wrote in it about 4 times.  The last time I wrote in it I was mad at Kayne. I should probably tear that entry out.