Monday, February 16, 2009

Not nesting

I wish I had the urge to nest like a lot of soon-to-be mothers.  From everything I've read, nesting is an urge to clean, organize, and prepare for the arrival of your new precious little one. Well, I'm not into any of this. Don't get me wrong, I am very excited to have Adeline here! I just don't feel the urge to clean and organize. I want her nursery set up and ready for her, but the thought of moving furniture from this room to that room to goodwill to my father-in-law's house makes me tired.  If nesting involved eating and sleeping, then I would be in full blown nesting mode! 
Kayne and I spent the entire weekend cleaning the house and cleaning out what will become the baby's room.  This was my misery! Kayne did most of the work. I hobbled around the house and allowed myself to get easily distracted by boxes of pictures, old birthday cards, or the new rash that is all over my arms and legs.  
Now, about this rash. It is probably caused by some sort of cream or lotion, but I think it might be scabies...AGAIN!  I almost had scabies once before. Thank goodness it turned out to be Dove soap causing the small bumps. But this time it might really be scabies! I tricked Kayne into helping me vacuum the mattress just in case.  If it's not scabies then it could be bed bugs! If we have bed bugs I bet they're from our hotel in Chicago.  It looked like a clean hotel but even clean hotels can be deceiving.  I bet some eggs hopped into our suitcases and they just now hatched. And they're not biting Kayne because I bet bed bugs are like mosquitos.  Some people attract them, others don't.
If hypersensitive hypochondria is a symptom of pregnancy, well by golly, I've got it!

1 comment:

  1. First of all, you probably do have scabies. Or just herpes all over your body. Or cockroach bites.

    Second, I dont think the nesting will kick in until you are about to have that baby and don't listen to it!!!! Its Kayne's job to do all that crap. On the other hand, I never nested. I just sat around and ate chili dogs.

    Adeline can just sleep in a drawer if she needs to. As long as there aren't scabies in there...
