Sunday, February 15, 2009

So little to do and so much time

February is a pretty busy month for me.
I will now make a list of things that I must do:
1. Attend parenting/birth classes weekly. Last week we practiced a certain exercise to make the birth process a little easier. Kayne now hounds my daily to see if I've done 50 of these babies per day.  He even asked me about it last night at a Predators game!
2. Continue to do homebound instruction for a young lad who doesn't feel like going to school. But seriously, who does?
3. Finish this #$%@#% yearbook! I will never ever ever do this again. Why do I volunteer for this stuff?!
4. Host Bunko. Yes, I know that makes me an old lady but I don't care! It's fun!

Ok, now that it's all written out it doesn't sound like such a big deal!

On a side note, I love my husband. I really do. But, he is a TV hog.  He's all about demanding that we watch shows that we both like when I have control of the remote. However, when he has the remote this is not the case. If I turn my eyes away from the TV for a millisecond he changes the channel to something gross like Basketball or even worse....POKER! Why oh why doesn't he like HGTV and TLC as much as I do?

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